- 称重测力传感器
- 8455新葡萄娱集团am及变送器
- 速度及加速度传感器
- 料/液位计
- 位移传感器
- 扭矩传感器
- 温湿度传感器,变送器
- 显示控制仪表
- 记录仪
- 整列机
- 测力系统
- 微粒子检测仪
- 激光器
- 流量传感器/开关
- 陀螺仪
- 引伸计
- 频闪仪
- 变送器/放大器/接线盒
- 变频器
- 编码器
- 试验机
- 数据采集器
- 角度传感器
- 声级计
- 振动计
- 多通道分析仪
- 流量计
- 电子衡器
- 实验室设备
- 水分分析仪
- 质量流量计
- 测试分析系统
- 模块型仪表
- 静电纺丝机
- 高速数据采集卡
- Tinius Olsen测试设备
- 试验机
- 信号调理器
- Sirius数据采集系统
- 切割设备
- 三维扫描仪
- 示波器
- 水听器
- 功率放大器
- 安全保持器
- 温度计监视器
- 振动增幅器
- 人像表面温度热像仪
- 温度检查器
- 红外线 辐射温度仪
- 红外多分析仪
- FC评价试验装置
- 电缆
- 加速度传感器
- 碳气溶胶组分在线分析系统
- 黑碳仪
- 接线盒
- 显示器
- 隔离器/转换器
- 打印机
- 拧紧机
- 液氮罐
产品类别 > 轮辐(圆饼)式8455新葡萄娱集团am > SWP-50K轮辐式小型传感器
量程范围: 1000, 2000, 3000,5000, 10000, 20000,50000LB(磅)
品牌:美国Transducer Techniques
1000, 2000, 3000,5000, 10000, 20000,50000LB(磅)
Our SWP Series low profile load cellsare an excellent choice for applications
that require ultra stiffness and resistance to extraneous bending and side load forces.For tension and/or compression applications,the load cell is bolted down to a flat surface and center loaded, utilizing the thru tapped hole. Load buttons
or load bearing compression only applications are offered in our accessories section. For in line tension applications, we recommend our tension base (-TB option) for hardness, flatness,stiffness, and alignment. The SWP Series load cell and the -TB (tension base) are manufactured from heattreated17-4phstainless steel. The same high quality full bridge straingage installation is utilized in all our force andtorque measuring products.
额定输出Rated Output (R.O.) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・3 mV/V
非线性Nonlinearity ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・0.1% of R.O.
滞后Hysteresis ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0.1% of R.O
重复性Nonrepeatability ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0.05% of R.O.
零点平衡Zero Balance ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1.0% of R.O.
补偿温度范围Compensated Temp.Range ・・・・・・・ 60°to 160°F
工作温度范围Safe Temp.Range ・・・・・・・・・・・・ -65°to 200°F
温度对额定输出的影响Temp.Effect on Output ・・・・・・・ 0.005% of Load/°F
温度对零平衡的影响Temp.Effect onZero ・・・・・・・・・ 0.001% of R.O./°F
输入电阻Terminal Resistance ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 350 欧姆
工作电压Excitation Voltage ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 10 VDC
安全过载safe Overload ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 150% of R.O.
偏转英寸Deflection Inches ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0.001@ R.O.
单向端口Fatigue Life One Direction ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 100X1000000
双向端口Fatigue Life Bidirectional ・・・・・・・・・・・・・50X1000000
型号 |
自然频率(赫兹) |
SWP-1K |
4000 |
SWP-2K |
5700 |
SWP-3K |
7300 |
SWP-5K |
8700 |
SWP-5K |
6500 |
SWP-10K |
7400 |
SWP-20K |
8500 |
SWP-50K |
10000 |
型号 |
量程(磅) |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
SWP-1K |
1000 |
4.125 |
2.775 |
1.650 |
1.375 |
.125 |
.050 |
1.250 |
.500 |
5/8-18 UNF |
3.500 |
.281 |
8 |
SWP-2K |
2000 |
4.125 |
2.775 |
1.650 |
1.375 |
.125 |
.050 |
1.250 |
.500 |
5/8-18 UNF |
3.500 |
.281 |
8 |
SWP-3K |
3000 |
4.125 |
2.775 |
1.650 |
1.375 |
.125 |
.050 |
1.250 |
.500 |
5/8-18 UNF |
3.500 |
.281 |
8 |
SWP-5K-4 |
5000 |
4.125 |
2.775 |
1.650 |
1.375 |
.125 |
.050 |
1.250 |
.500 |
5/8-18 UNF |
3.500 |
.281 |
8 |
SWP-5K |
5000 |
6.000 |
4.260 |
2.500 |
1.750 |
.125 |
.050 |
2.250 |
.810 |
1 1/4-12 UNF |
5.125 |
.406 |
12 |
SWP-10K |
10000 |
6.000 |
4.260 |
2.500 |
1.750 |
.125 |
.050 |
2.250 |
.810 |
1 1/4-12 UNF |
5.125 |
.406 |
12 |
SWP-20K |
20000 |
6.000 |
4.260 |
2.500 |
1.750 |
.125 |
.050 |
2.250 |
.810 |
1 1/4-12 UNF |
5.125 |
.406 |
12 |
SWP-50K |
50000 |
8.000 |
5.000 |
3.140 |
2.000 |
.125 |
.050 |
3.140 |
.810 |
1 3/4-12 UNF |
6.500 |
.531 |
16 |